How to install PostgreSQL on a CentOS cloud server?

07-02-2024 03:11:11

PostgreSQL is one of the most advanced open-source relational databases. Due to its excellent support for JSON and JSONB data types, PostgreSQL has gained a lot of user support. For problems that NoSQL non relational databases (such as MongoDB) are good at solving, PostgreSQL can also provide good solutions.

Taking a CentOS 7 cloud server as an example, this article introduces the installation method of PostgreSQL 13 version.

$ sudo yum install -y
$ sudo yum install -y postgresql13-server

Initialize the database.

$ sudo /usr/pgsql-13/bin/postgresql-13-setup initdb

Set to start automatically with the system.

$ sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql-13

PostgreSQL has created a default user postgres for executing the psql command line. Execute the following command to switch to the user.

$ sudo -iu postgres psql

Create a test database and connect to it.

$ \c test

Create a data table named message in the database.

$ CREATE TABLE messages (handle VARCHAR(32), message VARCHAR(280));
$ INSERT INTO messages VALUES ('User', 'This is a test message.');
$ INSERT INTO messages VALUES ('User', 'This is another test message.');

View the content of the data table. The two records added in the previous step should be displayed.

$ SELECT * FROM messages;

For more information, please refer to the official documentation of PostgreSQL.