List directory contents:
ls -l, to display file size in megabytes use ls -lh
Execute a file:
sh ./filename
Find the location of a specified file:
whereis filename
Create a new directory:
mkdir directoryname
View file content:
cat filename
Edit file:
vi filename
i to enter edit mode, allowing for modifications, :q! to force quit without saving, :wq to save and exit
/xxx to search for content "xxx", / to repeat the last search
Copy files:
cp file1 file2 (copies existing file1 to a new file named file2)
cp file1 /archive (copies file1 to the /archive directory)
cp file1 mystuff/newfile (copies file1 to the mystuff directory in the current directory; if newfile is a subdirectory, it is copied into this subdirectory, otherwise, file1 is copied and named as newfile in the mystuff directory)
Move and rename:
mv file1 file2 (renames file1 to file2)
mv file1 /dir2 (moves file1 to the dir2 directory under the root directory)
mv file1 /dir2/file2 (if file2 is a directory, file1 is moved to the dir2/file2 directory. If file2 doesn't exist, file1 is moved and renamed to file2 in dir2)
rm filename (deletes a file)
rm -R directoryname (deletes a directory)
rm -f filename (force delete without confirmation)
rm -R -f directoryname (force delete entire directory)
View partition:
df -h
View hard disk:
fdisk -l
View file count:
df -i
View total number of files in a directory:
find . -type f | wc -l
View directory capacity:
du -sh directoryname
View memory:
free (look at the total item)
View current processes, memory, and CPU usage:
View CPU information:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
View operating system:
cat /etc/release
Display or modify current time:
date -s
clock -w
Restart server:
Shutdown server:
shutdown -h now
Change server password:
Restart network:
service network restart
Stop firewall:
service iptables stop
Permanently disable firewall:
chkconfig iptables off
System repair: (Execute in single-user mode, cannot be done remotely, must be done via console or locally)
Restart/start/stop Apache:
service httpd restart/start/stop
View PHP version:
php -v
View PHP modules:
php -m
Compression and Decompression
Unzip zip files:
unzip *.zip
Compress an entire directory: (Directory name DirName, excluding .gz files)
zip -r DirName -x *.gz
Unzip tar.gz files:
tar -zxvf *.tar.gz
Change permissions of an entire directory:
chmod 777 -R directoryname
Change owner of an entire directory:
chown -R user.user directoryname
Download files from the internet:
wget downloadpath
Install or update components:
yum install componentname
yum upgrade componentname
Transfer a file from one server to another:
scp -P portnumber (default 22) filename root@newserverIP:newserverpath
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